Source code for arista_poller

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Arista Network Device Polling Module

This module provides asynchronous functionality for polling multiple Arista 
network switches concurrently using pyeapi, extracting device information 
and LLDP connection details.

import asyncio
import logging
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional

import pyeapi
from ptovnetlab.data_classes import Switch, Connection

# Configure logging
    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class AristaPollerError(Exception): """Custom exception for Arista Poller related errors.""" pass
[docs] def validate_switch_credentials(switch: str, username: str, password: str) -> bool: """ Validate switch connection credentials. Args: switch (str): Switch hostname or IP address username (str): Authentication username password (str): Authentication password Returns: bool: True if credentials are valid, False otherwise """ try: pyeapi.client.config.clear() pyeapi.client.config.add_connection( switch, host=switch, transport='https', username=username, password=password ) node = pyeapi.connect_to(switch) # Attempt a simple command to verify connection node.enable("show version") return True except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Credential validation failed for {switch}: {e}") return False
[docs] def invoker( switchlist_in: List[str], uname_in: str, passwd_in: str, runtype_in: str ) -> Tuple[List[Switch], List[Connection]]: """ Synchronous entry point for switch polling. Args: switchlist_in (List[str]): List of Arista switches to interrogate uname_in (str): Username for switch authentication passwd_in (str): Password for switch authentication runtype_in (str): Type of polling run (e.g., 'discovery', 'update') Returns: Tuple[List[Switch], List[Connection]]: Polled switches and their connections """ try: # Validate credentials for all switches before polling valid_switches = [ switch for switch in switchlist_in if validate_switch_credentials(switch, uname_in, passwd_in) ] if not valid_switches: raise AristaPollerError("No valid switches found for polling") switches, connections = main(valid_switches, uname_in, passwd_in, runtype_in) ) return switches, connections except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Switch polling failed: {e}") raise
[docs] async def main( switchlist_in2: List[str], uname_in2: str, passwd_in2: str, runtype_in2: str ) -> Tuple[List[Switch], List[Connection]]: """ Asynchronously poll multiple Arista switches. Args: switchlist_in2 (List[str]): Switches to poll uname_in2 (str): Authentication username passwd_in2 (str): Authentication password runtype_in2 (str): Type of polling run Returns: Tuple[List[Switch], List[Connection]]: Polled switches and their connections """ # Set the maximum number of worker threads loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() loop.set_default_executor(ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20))'Polling {len(switchlist_in2)} Arista switches via EOS API...') # Create tasks for each switch tasks = [ asyncio.create_task( asyncio.to_thread( get_sw_data, switch, uname_in2, passwd_in2, sw_index ) ) for sw_index, switch in enumerate(switchlist_in2) ] # Gather the data from all EAPI polling threads try: answers = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)'Finished polling switches.') switches = [] connections = [] # Process the gathered data for val in answers: switch, lldp_connections = val switches.append(switch) connections.extend(lldp_connections) return switches, connections except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error during switch polling: {e}") raise AristaPollerError(f"Switch polling failed: {e}")
[docs] def get_sw_data( switch3: str, uname_in3: str, passwd_in3: str, sw_cntr3_in: int ) -> Tuple[Switch, List[Connection]]: """ Retrieve switch data and LLDP connections for a single switch. Uses async_io.to_thread to achieve non-blocking concurrent polling of multiple switches. to_thread is required due to our use of the pyeapi library, which relies on the synchronous requests library. Args: switch3 (str): Switch hostname or IP to interrogate uname_in3 (str): Authentication username passwd_in3 (str): Authentication password sw_cntr3_in (int): Switch index for logging purposes Returns: Tuple[Switch, List[Connection]]: Switch object and its LLDP connections """ try: # Clear any existing pyeapi.client.config pyeapi.client.config.clear() # Build the pyeapi.client.config object pyeapi.client.config.add_connection( switch3, host=switch3, transport='https', username=uname_in3, password=passwd_in3 ) # Connect to the switch node = pyeapi.connect_to(switch3) # Get JSON-formatted results of several 'show...' commands eos_output = node.enable( ("show version", "show lldp neighbors", "show lldp local-info"), format="json" ) # Create Switch object switch = Switch( name=switch3, model=eos_output[0]["result"]["modelName"], eos_version=eos_output[0]["result"]["version"], system_mac=eos_output[0]["result"]["systemMacAddress"], serial_number=eos_output[0]["result"]["serialNumber"], lldp_system_name=eos_output[2]["result"]["systemName"], ethernet_interfaces=0, # Will be set by arista_sanitizer gns3_template_id='', # Will be set by gns3_worker gns3_node_id='', # Will be set by gns3_worker docker_container_id='', # Will be set by gns3_worker initial_config=node.running_config.splitlines() ) # Create Connection objects from LLDP neighbors connections = [ Connection( switch_a=str(eos_output[2]["result"]["systemName"]), port_a=str(value["port"]), switch_b=str(value["neighborDevice"]), port_b=str(value["neighborPort"]) ) for value in eos_output[1]["result"]["lldpNeighbors"] ]"Finished polling switch: {switch3}") return switch, connections except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error polling switch {switch3}: {e}") raise AristaPollerError(f"Failed to poll switch {switch3}: {e}")