Source code for ptovnetlab

"""ptovnetlab module/script

Entry-point module for package.  Gathers and parses run-state details
 from a list of Arista network switches.  Then creates a GNS3 virtual-
 lab project in which the interrogated devices are emulated."""

import sys
from getpass import getpass
import requests
from ptovnetlab import arista_poller, arista_sanitizer, gns3_worker

[docs] def read_file(file_to_read: str) -> list: """Open a file and return its contents as a list of strings Parameters ---------- file_to_read : str The path of the file to be read Returns ------- list of lines : list The contents of the file as a list of strings """ # Open the file in read mode opened_file = open(file_to_read, "r") # Each line of the file into an entry in a list called list_of_lines list_of_lines = # Close the file that was being read opened_file.close() return list_of_lines
[docs] def predelimiter(string, delimiter): """Returns the section of a string before the first instance of a delimiter.""" index = string.find(delimiter) if index == -1: return string # Delimiter not found, return the whole string else: return string[:index]
[docs] def p_to_v(**kwargs): """Pull switch run-state data, massage it, and turn it into a GNS3 lab Parameters --------- username : str The username to be used in authenticating eapi calls to the switches passwd : str The password to be used in authenticating eapi calls to the switches filename : str Name of the file containing the list of switches to be interrogated switchlist : list List object of names of switches to be interrogated. servername : str The name of the remote GNS3/Docker server prjname : str The name of the project to create on the GNS3 server Returns ------- result : str """ # Guide for which values are held in which indices of switch_vals # switch_vals[n][0]= switch name received as input argument # switch_vals[n][1]= switch model # switch_vals[n][2]= EOS version # switch_vals[n][3]= system MAC # switch_vals[n][4]= serial number # switch_vals[n][5]= LLDP system-name # switch_vals[n][6]= Number of Ethernet interfaces # switch_vals[n][7]= GNS3 image-template ID # switch_vals[n][8]= GNS3 node-ID # switch_vals[n][9]= Docker container ID # switch_vals[n][10]= switch vendor/platform # switch_vals[n][11]= QEMU VM ID # Initializing list of LLDP neighbor details we'll use to build a list of connections for GNS3 connections_to_make = [] # Initializing nested list for holding the configs of ALL the switches allconfigs = [] # Initializing a list for holding a list of gns3 template_id values and corresponding EOS \ # version values image_map = [] # Set default values for all anticipated arguments filename = '' username = '' passwd = '' switchlist = [] servername = '' prj_name = '' run_type = 'module' # Pull any expected (and received) arguments from kwargs into their recipient # objects if 'filename' in kwargs: filename = kwargs['filename'] if 'username' in kwargs: username = kwargs['username'] if 'passwd' in kwargs: passwd = kwargs['passwd'] if 'switchlist' in kwargs: switchlist = kwargs['switchlist'] if 'servername' in kwargs: servername = kwargs['servername'] if 'prjname' in kwargs: prj_name = kwargs['prjname'] if 'runtype' in kwargs: run_type = kwargs['runtype'] if (filename == '' and switchlist == []): print("Enter a switch name and press enter.") print("(Press Enter without entering a name when done.") while True: line = input() if not line: break switchlist.append(line) if (filename != '') and (switchlist != []): print("Don't pass both filename_arg AND switchlist_arg; choose one or the other.") exit(1) if prj_name == '': prj_name = input('Enter a value to use for the GNS project name when modeling the \ production switches: ') if servername == '': servername = input('Enter the name of the GNS3 server: ') # Read the input switch-list file, if a filename was provided if filename != '': switchlist = read_file(filename) # Remove any blank entries from switchlist switchlist = list(filter(None, switchlist)) # Prompt for switch/EOS credentials if none were provided if username == '': username = input('Enter username for Arista EOS login: ') if passwd == '': passwd = getpass('Enter password for Arista EOS login: ') # Call eos_poller.invoker to get runstate from the Arista switches switch_vals, connections_to_make, allconfigs = arista_poller.invoker(switchlist, username, passwd, run_type) # Loop through all those configs and clean them up for life in a virtual lab, # while also grabbing the interface count for later for i, val in enumerate(allconfigs): allconfigs[i], switch_vals[i][6] = arista_sanitizer.eos_to_ceos(val, switch_vals[i][3]) # Create a list of the LLDP local-IDs used by our switches our_lldp_ids = [] for val in switch_vals: our_lldp_ids.append(val[5]) # Sanitize connections_to_make list; removing any entries in which either end # is NOT one of our switches (we can't tell GNS3 to create a connection to a # node that doesn't exist in the project.) connections_to_make[:] = [connx for connx in connections_to_make if list_search(our_lldp_ids, connx[0]) and list_search(our_lldp_ids, connx[2])] # Remove A|B-inverted entries in connections_to_make # (connections are directionless; so A<>B is the same as B<>A) for i in connections_to_make: for j in connections_to_make: if i[2]+i[3] == j[0]+j[1]: connections_to_make.remove(j) # Clean up "management1" in the connections_to_make list (using eth0 # instead. Prod Switch management1 interface is presented in cEOS CLI # as Management0, and Docker presents it to the container as eth0, which # is how it presents in GNS3 for i, val in enumerate(connections_to_make): connections_to_make[i][1] = val[1].lower() connections_to_make[i][3] = val[3].lower() if val[1].startswith('management'): for j, val2 in enumerate(switch_vals): if val[0] == val2[5]: connections_to_make[i][1] = 'ethernet0' if val[3].startswith('management'): for j, val2 in enumerate(switch_vals): if val[2] == val2[5]: connections_to_make[i][3] = 'ethernet0' # Set GNS3 URL gns3_url = 'http://'+servername+':3080/v2/' gns3_url_noapi = 'http://'+servername+':3080/static/web-ui/server/1/project/' # Get all of the docker image templates from the GNS3 server so we can figure out # which template_id value maps to a specific EOS version when we start building # our instances r = requests.get(gns3_url + 'templates', timeout=20) for x in r.json(): if x['template_type'] == 'docker': image_map.append([x['template_id'], x['image']]) # Loop through image_map while looping through switch_vals, looking for imag_map # names that are good matches for the EOS version data captured in switch_vals, # and appending each entry in switch_status with the GNS3 template_id from the # matching entry in image_map for i in range(len(switch_vals)): for j in range(len(image_map)): # strip any trailing garbage from the EOS version reported by the switch API fudgedupeosverion = ('ceos:' + predelimiter(switch_vals[i][2].lower(), '-')) if fudgedupeosverion == image_map[j][1].lower(): switch_vals[i][7] = image_map[j][0] # create a new project with provided name and grab the project_id gnsprj_id = + 'projects', json={'name': prj_name}, timeout=20).json()['project_id'] # Grab the templates object from the GNS server so we can crawl through it # templ_qry_resp = requests.get(gns3_url + 'templates') # Invoke function that handles node creation/configuration in GNS3 project gns3_worker.invoker(servername, gns3_url, switch_vals, allconfigs, gnsprj_id, connections_to_make) # Done! # Close the GNS3 project + 'projects' + 'project_id' + 'close') return gns3_url_noapi + gnsprj_id
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] kwdict = {}
for arg in sys.argv[1:]: splarg = arg.split('=') if splarg[0] == 'switchlist': splargalt = [] for swname in splarg[1].split(): splargalt.append(swname) kwdict[splarg[0]] = splargalt else: kwdict[splarg[0]] = splarg[1] kwdict['runtype'] = 'script' import ptovnetlab.gns3_worker import ptovnetlab.arista_poller p_to_v(**kwdict)