ptovnetlab module/script
- Entry-point module for package. Gathers and parses run-state details
from a list of Arista network switches. Then creates a GNS3 virtual- lab project in which the interrogated devices are emulated.
Open a file and return its contents as a list of strings |
Search a list for a specified string |
Returns the section of a string before the first instance of a delimiter. |
Pull switch run-state data, massage it, and turn it into a GNS3 lab |
Module Contents
- ptovnetlab.read_file(file_to_read)[source]
Open a file and return its contents as a list of strings
- Parameters:
file_to_read (str) – The path of the file to be read
- Returns:
list of lines – The contents of the file as a list of strings
- Return type:
- ptovnetlab.list_search(list_to_search, item_to_find)[source]
Search a list for a specified string
- Parameters:
list_to_search (list) – The list to be searched
item_to_find (str) – The item to search for
- Return type:
- ptovnetlab.predelimiter(string, delimiter)[source]
Returns the section of a string before the first instance of a delimiter.
- ptovnetlab.p_to_v(**kwargs)[source]
Pull switch run-state data, massage it, and turn it into a GNS3 lab
- Parameters:
username (str) – The username to be used in authenticating eapi calls to the switches
passwd (str) – The password to be used in authenticating eapi calls to the switches
filename (str) – Name of the file containing the list of switches to be interrogated
switchlist (list) – List object of names of switches to be interrogated.
servername (str) – The name of the remote GNS3/Docker server
prjname (str) – The name of the project to create on the GNS3 server
- Returns:
- Return type: