Source code for gns3_worker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
GNS3 Network Topology Management Module

This module provides asynchronous functionality for creating and 
configuring network topologies in GNS3, including device creation, 
configuration, and network infrastructure setup.

import asyncio
import logging
from io import BytesIO
import tarfile
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple, Any

import aiohttp
import aiodocker
from aiodocker import Docker as docker

from ptovnetlab.data_classes import Switch, Connection

# Configure logging
    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class GNS3WorkerError(Exception): """Custom exception for GNS3 Worker related errors.""" pass
[docs] class ContainerConfigurationError(GNS3WorkerError): """Exception raised for errors during container configuration.""" pass
[docs] def invoker( servername: str, gns3_url: str, switches: List[Switch], prj_id: str, connections: List[Connection] ) -> str: """ Synchronous entry point for creating GNS3 project nodes and connections. This function provides a synchronous wrapper for the asynchronous main_job, allowing the module to be called from synchronous code. Args: servername (str): The name of the aiohttp.ClientSession object gns3_url (str): The URL for the GNS3 server switches (List[Switch]): List of Switch objects to be emulated prj_id (str): The GNS3 project ID connections (List[Connection]): List of connections to make between nodes Returns: str: Status message indicating completion or error Raises: GNS3WorkerError: If there are issues during the GNS3 project setup """ try:'Initiating GNS3 project node and connection creation') result = main_job(servername, gns3_url, switches, prj_id, connections) )'GNS3 project setup completed successfully') return result except Exception as e: logger.error(f'GNS3 project setup failed: {e}') raise GNS3WorkerError(f'Project setup failed: {e}')
[docs] async def main_job( servername: str, gns3_url: str, switches: List[Switch], prj_id: str, connections: List[Connection] ) -> str: """ Asynchronously create GNS3 nodes, configure containers, and establish connections. Args: servername (str): The name of the aiohttp.ClientSession object gns3_url (str): The URL for the GNS3 server switches (List[Switch]): List of Switch objects to be emulated prj_id (str): The GNS3 project ID connections (List[Connection]): List of connections to make between nodes Returns: str: Status message indicating completion """'Creating nodes in the GNS3 project.') # Configure session timeout timeout_seconds = 30 session_timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout( total=None, sock_connect=timeout_seconds, sock_read=timeout_seconds ) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=session_timeout) as session: # Position nodes in the project nodex, nodey = -825, -375 # Create nodes async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg1: node_tasks = [] for switch in switches: task = tg1.create_task( make_a_gns3_node( switch, session, gns3_url, nodex, nodey, prj_id ) ) node_tasks.append(task) # Update node positioning nodex += 150 if nodex > 400: nodex = -800 nodey += 200 # Update switches with node information switches = [await task for task in node_tasks] # Configure Docker containers docker_client = aiodocker.Docker(url=f"http://{servername}:2375") try: async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg2: config_tasks = [] for switch in switches: task = tg2.create_task( docker_api_config(switch, docker_client, servername) ) config_tasks.append(task) # Wait for configuration tasks results = [await task for task in config_tasks]"Configuration copying completed for all switches") finally: await docker_client.close() # Establish connections between nodes async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg3: for connection in connections: a_node_id, b_node_id = _find_connection_nodes(switches, connection) if a_node_id and b_node_id: try: a_adapter = _parse_port(connection.port_a) b_adapter = _parse_port(connection.port_b) make_link_url = f"{gns3_url}projects/{prj_id}/links" make_link_json = { 'nodes': [ { 'adapter_number': int(a_adapter), 'node_id': a_node_id, 'port_number': 0 }, { 'adapter_number': int(b_adapter), 'node_id': b_node_id, 'port_number': 0 } ] } tg3.create_task( gns3_post( session, str(make_link_url), 'post', jsondata=make_link_json ) ) except ValueError as e: logger.error( f"Error parsing ports for connection " f"{connection.switch_a}:{connection.port_a} -> " f"{connection.switch_b}:{connection.port_b}: {e}" ) return "Virtual Network Lab is ready to run."
def _find_connection_nodes( switches: List[Switch], connection: Connection ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """ Find node IDs for a given connection. Args: switches (List[Switch]): List of switches connection (Connection): Connection to find nodes for Returns: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: Node IDs for switches A and B """ a_node_id = next( (switch.gns3_node_id for switch in switches if switch.lldp_system_name == connection.switch_a), None ) b_node_id = next( (switch.gns3_node_id for switch in switches if switch.lldp_system_name == connection.switch_b), None ) return a_node_id, b_node_id def _parse_port(port: str) -> str: """ Parse port string to extract adapter number. Args: port (str): Port string (e.g., 'Ethernet1/1') Returns: str: Extracted adapter number Raises: ValueError: If port format is invalid """ if not port.lower().startswith('ethernet'): raise ValueError(f"Invalid port format: {port}. Port must start with 'ethernet'") # Extract numbers after 'ethernet', before any '/' port_base = port.lower().split('/')[0] adapter_num = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, port_base)) if not adapter_num: raise ValueError(f"Could not extract adapter number from port: {port}") return adapter_num
[docs] async def docker_api_config( switch: Switch, docker_client: aiodocker.Docker, servername: str = 'localhost' ) -> str: """ Configure Docker container with switch startup configuration. Args: switch (Switch): Switch object containing configuration docker_client (aiodocker.Docker): Docker client for API interactions servername (str, optional): Docker daemon hostname. Defaults to 'localhost'. Returns: str: Configuration status """ try:"Starting configuration for switch {}") # Validate configuration if not switch.initial_config: logger.warning(f"Empty configuration for switch {}") return 'skipped - empty config' # Prepare configuration string config_string = '\n'.join(switch.initial_config) ascii_config = config_string.encode('ascii') # Create tar archive fh = BytesIO() with, mode='w') as tarch: info = tarfile.TarInfo('startup-config') info.size = len(ascii_config) bytes_to_go = BytesIO(ascii_config) tarch.addfile(info, bytes_to_go) archive_content ="Configuration archive created for {}") # Async Docker API session async with aiohttp.ClientSession(base_url=f"http://{servername}:2375") as session: # Start container await _start_container(session, switch.docker_container_id) # Copy configuration to container await _copy_config_to_container( session, switch.docker_container_id, archive_content ) # Move configuration file await _move_config_file(session, switch.docker_container_id) # Stop container await _stop_container(session, switch.docker_container_id)"Successfully configured switch {}") return 'success' except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error configuring switch {}: {e}") return f'failed - {str(e)}'
async def _start_container(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, container_id: str) -> None: """ Start a Docker container. Args: session (aiohttp.ClientSession): Async HTTP session container_id (str): Docker container ID Raises: ContainerConfigurationError: If container start fails """ async with"/containers/{container_id}/start") as response: if response.status not in [204, 304]: raise ContainerConfigurationError( f"Could not start container. Status: {response.status}" ) # Wait for container to be ready start_time = asyncio.get_event_loop().time() while asyncio.get_event_loop().time() - start_time < 20: async with session.get(f"/containers/{container_id}/json") as response: if response.status == 200: container_info = await response.json() if container_info['State']['Running']: return await asyncio.sleep(1) raise ContainerConfigurationError(f"Container {container_id} did not become ready") async def _copy_config_to_container( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, container_id: str, archive_content: bytes ) -> None: """ Copy configuration archive to container. Args: session (aiohttp.ClientSession): Async HTTP session container_id (str): Docker container ID archive_content (bytes): Configuration archive content Raises: ContainerConfigurationError: If file copy fails """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-tar'} async with session.put( f"/containers/{container_id}/archive", params={'path': '/'}, headers=headers, data=archive_content ) as response: if response.status != 200: raise ContainerConfigurationError( f"Error copying configuration. Status: {response.status}" ) async def _move_config_file( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, container_id: str ) -> None: """ Move configuration file to correct location in container. Args: session (aiohttp.ClientSession): Async HTTP session container_id (str): Docker container ID Raises: ContainerConfigurationError: If file move fails """ # Create exec instance for mv command async with f"/containers/{container_id}/exec", json={ "AttachStdout": True, "AttachStderr": True, "Cmd": ["mv", "/startup-config", "/mnt/flash/"] } ) as response: if response.status != 201: raise ContainerConfigurationError( f"Could not create mv exec. Status: {response.status}" ) exec_data = await response.json() exec_id = exec_data['Id'] # Start exec instance async with f"/exec/{exec_id}/start", json={"Detach": False, "Tty": False}, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'} ) as exec_response: if exec_response.status != 200: raise ContainerConfigurationError( f"mv command exec failed. Status: {exec_response.status}" ) async def _stop_container( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, container_id: str ) -> None: """ Stop a Docker container. Args: session (aiohttp.ClientSession): Async HTTP session container_id (str): Docker container ID Raises: ContainerConfigurationError: If container stop fails """ async with"/containers/{container_id}/stop") as response: if response.status not in [204, 304]: raise ContainerConfigurationError( f"Could not stop container. Status: {response.status}" )
[docs] async def make_a_gns3_node( switch: Switch, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, gns3_url: str, nodex: int, nodey: int, prj_id: str ) -> Switch: """ Create a GNS3 node for a switch. Args: switch (Switch): Switch to create a node for session (aiohttp.ClientSession): Async HTTP session gns3_url (str): Base URL for GNS3 API nodex (int): X coordinate for node placement nodey (int): Y coordinate for node placement prj_id (str): GNS3 project ID Returns: Switch: Updated switch with GNS3 node details """ try: # Duplicate template async with f'{gns3_url}templates/{switch.gns3_template_id}/duplicate', json=[] ) as response: response.raise_for_status() json_data = await response.json() tmp_template_id = json_data['template_id'] # Update interface count async with session.put( f'{gns3_url}templates/{tmp_template_id}', json={'adapters': switch.ethernet_interfaces + 1} ) as response: response.raise_for_status() # Create node async with f'{gns3_url}projects/{prj_id}/templates/{tmp_template_id}', json={'x': nodex, 'y': nodey} ) as response: response.raise_for_status() json_data = await response.json() switch.gns3_node_id = json_data['node_id'] # Delete temporary template async with session.delete(f'{gns3_url}templates/{tmp_template_id}'): pass # Rename node async with session.put( f'{gns3_url}projects/{prj_id}/nodes/{switch.gns3_node_id}', json={'name':} ) as response: response.raise_for_status() # Get container ID async with session.get( f'{gns3_url}projects/{prj_id}/nodes/{switch.gns3_node_id}' ) as response: response.raise_for_status() json_data = await response.json() switch.docker_container_id = json_data['properties']['container_id'] return switch except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e: logger.error(f"GNS3 node creation failed: {e}") raise GNS3WorkerError(f"Failed to create GNS3 node: {e}")
[docs] async def gns3_post( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str, method: str, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Send an async request to GNS3 server. Args: session (aiohttp.ClientSession): Async HTTP session url (str): URL to send request to method (str): HTTP method (get, post, put) **kwargs: Additional arguments for the request Raises: GNS3WorkerError: If request fails """ try: jsondata = kwargs.get('jsondata', {}) if method == 'post': async with, json=jsondata) as response: response.raise_for_status() elif method == 'get': async with session.get(url, json=jsondata) as response: response.raise_for_status() elif method == 'put': async with session.put(url, json=jsondata) as response: response.raise_for_status() # Small delay to prevent overwhelming the server await asyncio.sleep(0.2) except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e: logger.error(f"GNS3 API request failed: {e}") raise GNS3WorkerError(f"API request failed: {e}")