GNS3 Network Topology Management Module
This module provides asynchronous functionality for creating and configuring network topologies in GNS3, including device creation, configuration, and network infrastructure setup.
Custom exception for GNS3 Worker related errors. |
Exception raised for errors during container configuration. |
Synchronous entry point for creating GNS3 project nodes and connections. |
Asynchronously create GNS3 nodes, configure containers, and establish connections. |
Configure Docker container with switch startup configuration. |
Create a GNS3 node for a switch. |
Send an async request to GNS3 server. |
Module Contents
- exception gns3_worker.GNS3WorkerError[source]
Custom exception for GNS3 Worker related errors.
- exception gns3_worker.ContainerConfigurationError[source]
Exception raised for errors during container configuration.
- gns3_worker.invoker(servername, gns3_url, switches, prj_id, connections)[source]
Synchronous entry point for creating GNS3 project nodes and connections.
This function provides a synchronous wrapper for the asynchronous main_job, allowing the module to be called from synchronous code.
- Parameters:
servername (str) – The name of the aiohttp.ClientSession object
gns3_url (str) – The URL for the GNS3 server
switches (List[Switch]) – List of Switch objects to be emulated
prj_id (str) – The GNS3 project ID
connections (List[Connection]) – List of connections to make between nodes
- Returns:
Status message indicating completion or error
- Return type:
- Raises:
GNS3WorkerError – If there are issues during the GNS3 project setup
- async gns3_worker.main_job(servername, gns3_url, switches, prj_id, connections)[source]
Asynchronously create GNS3 nodes, configure containers, and establish connections.
- Parameters:
servername (str) – The name of the aiohttp.ClientSession object
gns3_url (str) – The URL for the GNS3 server
switches (List[Switch]) – List of Switch objects to be emulated
prj_id (str) – The GNS3 project ID
connections (List[Connection]) – List of connections to make between nodes
- Returns:
Status message indicating completion
- Return type:
- async gns3_worker.docker_api_config(switch, docker_client, servername='localhost')[source]
Configure Docker container with switch startup configuration.
- Parameters:
switch (Switch) – Switch object containing configuration
docker_client (aiodocker.Docker) – Docker client for API interactions
servername (str, optional) – Docker daemon hostname. Defaults to ‘localhost’.
- Returns:
Configuration status
- Return type:
- async gns3_worker.make_a_gns3_node(switch, session, gns3_url, nodex, nodey, prj_id)[source]
Create a GNS3 node for a switch.
- Parameters:
switch (Switch) – Switch to create a node for
session (aiohttp.ClientSession) – Async HTTP session
gns3_url (str) – Base URL for GNS3 API
nodex (int) – X coordinate for node placement
nodey (int) – Y coordinate for node placement
prj_id (str) – GNS3 project ID
- Returns:
Updated switch with GNS3 node details
- Return type:
- async gns3_worker.gns3_post(session, url, method, **kwargs)[source]
Send an async request to GNS3 server.
- Parameters:
session (aiohttp.ClientSession) – Async HTTP session
url (str) – URL to send request to
method (str) – HTTP method (get, post, put)
**kwargs – Additional arguments for the request
- Raises:
GNS3WorkerError – If request fails
- Return type: